Discrete zodiac colors

scale_fill_zodiac(..., use_factor_order = FALSE)



Extra parameters to pass to ggplot2::discrete_scale() when use_factor_order is FALSE (default).


A logical. If TRUE, this will assign colors based on how they match with the zodiac sign. If FALSE (default) then the colors will be used without looking for zodiac sign values.


library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) ## Use colors that match with each zodiac sign p <- sample_dates %>% ## Sample 100 dates from 2020 to count sample_n(100) %>% mutate(zodiac_sign = zodiac_sign(date)) %>% ggplot() + aes( x = zodiac_sign, fill = zodiac_sign ) + geom_bar() + ## Set use_factor_order = TRUE scale_fill_zodiac(use_factor_order = TRUE) ## Use the colors in the palette without zodiac signs p2 <- iris %>% ggplot() + aes( x = Species, fill = Species ) + geom_bar() + scale_fill_zodiac()