This function is primary for windows users. When copying file paths on windows they will contain backslashes, "\", which will throw an error in R because "\" is used for escape characters. Due to how R reads "\", this function reads the filepath directly from the clipboard. The user can either run back_to_forward() in the console to get the path with forward slashes, or put back_to_forward() on a hotkey for instant posting within the script.

back_to_forward(text = clipr::read_clip(), render = TRUE)



A String. Default uses the text in your clipboard. This should not be altered from the default. Exists primarily for the sake of internal testing.


A Logical. Defaults to TRUE. Exists primarily for the sake of internal testing.


A string. A file path that is compatible with R.


Primarily for Windows users. When copying file paths in Windows it will use a backslash to seperate files, this will throw an error in R. The process of manually changing the backslashe to forward slashes can get highly repetitive. The back_to_forward() function will take what is in the users clipboard and paste the path with the wanted forward slashes. There are two approaches to this; 1) run back_to_forward() in the console to retreive the string version with forward slashes of the path, or 2) Assign a hotkey to the addin Back to Forward Slash. Shout out to the reprex package for testing clipr methods.


if (FALSE) { # Example path in clipboard: # C:\Documents\Newsletters\Summer2018.csv back_to_forward() }