API key setup

1. Go to https://www.kaggle.com/ and sign in

2. Click Account or navigate to https://www.kaggle.com/{username}/account

3. Scroll down to the API section and click Create New API Token (which should cause you to download a kaggle.json file with your username and API key)

4. Save the kaggle.json file in a location you can easily locate the path for such as the Downloads/ folder

5. Copy the kaggle.json file to ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

  • There is a helper function, kgl_auth_file_setup() that takes the path of the saved kaggle.json file and copies it to the required directory

6. Thats it! When calling any of the kaggler functions the authorization function will check for that file and create an environment variable, KAGGLE_PAT, in your .Renviron file

Next steps

This section is still under development! 👷

Interact with the API

Kaggle Flow

Kaggle Flow

Kaggle Flow