💻 An R client for accessing Advent of Code’s data

  • This package will only help obtain data, it will not assist in posting solutions via HTTP request
  • All requests are cached to reduce the number of interactions with Advent of Code’s website


You can install the dev version of {aocr} from GitHub with:


Load the package

Session ID

A session ID is needed to get a proper response from the Advent of Code’s website. To obtain and set this as an environment variable run aoc_set_session_id().

Obtaining data


There are currently two function for obtaining data for the Advent of Code challenges:

d_init <- aoc_get_data_as_tibble(2022, 1)

#> # A tibble: 6 × 1
#>   col_1
#>   <dbl>
#> 1  2494
#> 2  8013
#> 3  1055
#> 4  5425
#> 5  9104
#> 6 10665

Raw response

If aoc_get_data_as_tibble() doesn’t get the data in the right format, working with the response will be needed. {httr2} is the engine for making HTTP requests. Familiarity with that package will be needed to clean/parse the response.

resp <- aoc_get_response(2022, 1)

#> <httr2_response>
#> GET https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/1/input
#> Status: 200 OK
#> Content-Type: text/plain
#> Body: In memory (10477 bytes)

View the puzzle

If you need to view the puzzle’s information to review or submit a solution it can be quickly pulled up via web browser: